Tuesday, September 19, 2006

the crazy blue of E - 602 : introduction

i have always gravitated towards monster houses. not really dark cobwebbed houses of B grade movies, but bright cheerful, sunny houses that could none the less swallow someone up. and i don’t mean literally (that would only make you believe that i’m on some hallucinogenic drug and give you an excuse to not take this post seriously). instead, houses that give you enough space to not spend a single waking moment in them, for months at an end, yet still feel that completely overwhelming sense of being sucked into a different reality when you step into them.

now, those are the actual monster houses. the real mccoys. the dangerous ones. the ones that masquerade as sunshine homes and then suck you into a vortex of another world. houses that somehow encourage people other than you to just s-t-a-y. cocooned in a lazy languid time.

there are a lot of people who have come and vegetated in whatever monster house i currently inhabiting at any given moment in time. there are a lot of people who’ve spent short periods of time there – coming and going as if connected to it with an elasticised umbical cord. there have been complete strangers who have dropped by on a certain evening to watch a film, and stayed on for three months.

but the true test of a monster house, (and one that all the houses i’ve lived in have aced) is not how many people it enfolds in its energy, but how many people it keeps away. and thankfully, all my houses have scared away as many people as it has welcomed. there are people who quicken their pace when walking by, when they aren’t walking 4 kilometers out of their way to avoid the vibes that my house radiates. (gleeful rubbing of hands happening here)

anyway, i now have a new monster house (in as much as it's possible to own a house, while trying furiously to not let it own you). and in case you haven’t realized, it’s E-602. i have to admit that, it has got a good, full-bodied, sunshine filled, monster character. this i can tell because, there has been a spate of guests every since i moved in and my cartons have barely been stripped of the tape.

so to celebrate that, i’m introducing a new series on my blog (it’s called “the crazy blue of E-602”, just in case you were wondering). everyone who comes to stay has to put up a post. about anything. this shall serve a two fold purpose. one, it will appease the monster house gods (and i have to tell you, that there are very few things apart from drinking rituals, which actually do). and two, it shall give me material for my blog, while i concentrate on the aforesaid rituals.

could life get any better?

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