first of all apologies are in order. not many people read this blog, but the few that do (god bless you all) have been kicking my ass for being a lazy bitch and not doing any posting. you guys are right. i enjoy my blog as much as you enjoy it. if it were not for little things like earning a living, i would do this all the time. (actually that's a lie. i don't have the discipline to do this all the time. or anything else or that matter. routine bores me. it stifles me. it kills me. i'd rather do this because i want to rather than have to) anyway, that's not the point. the reason i haven't been posting is because apart from the whole earning my living thing, i've been busy trying to deal with life.
i know, i know we all are. but the thing is, this year has been quite surprising. and after some 27 years you lose your ability to accept them at face value. you become a little cynical and wordly weary. a little at least. you (ohmygod!) plan for things. i mean for crying out loud, i've started investing in mutual funds. how much more straitlaced can you get. (i'm hoping not much. i'd hate to see myself go through life in a pigeon-chested trafalgar grey suit). anyway, this year has not gone accoring to plan. (yippe) and i'm dealing with it the best i can.
it's not a great excuse as excuses go, but that's the way it is. i've been travelling. i've been working (at a job that's okay, but not something that i want to do with every lil molecule in my rapidly disintegrating body). i've been trying to send messages in the wind to my friends since i'm too busy/lazy to actually send an email. i've been fighting with my maid. i've been dreaming of what to do with the money i don't yet have. i've been buying some pretty dresses and some super sexy high heels. and i've been looking for a place to wear them to. i've been growing to love the city i live in. and i've been planning to move to another one soon. i've been making new friends. and hoping i haven't alienated my old ones with my silence. i've been enjoying assam tea by a choppy sea, while the sea spray turns my head into a frizz factory. and most importantly, i've learnt something new everyday.
and in my quest of spreading universal love, joy and peace, i am going to impart this knowledge to you in short crisp sentences (the whos and whys are boring)
i've learnt that i can find an action such as waving at raikkonen from the stands, amist a couple of thousand people, an incredibly personal experience
i've learnt that i love to hear women sing (case in point: my favourite singers now are ane brun, regina skeptor, corriane bailey rae, katie melua, lily allen)
i've learnt that eating a good meal makes the sun come out
i've learnt that when i sleep sitting upright, my head lols about my neck as if seperate from my body. dribbling across my chest like a badly controlled ball
i've learnt that paris is my mothership. and even when i don't visit it, i'm happy just knowing it's there, waiting with bated breath for my arrival
i've learnt that i can burn water while trying to boil it
i've learnt that i love people who can sense flavours
i've learnt that once a month i'll morph into the wicked witch of santa cruz. and nothing and no one can make me feel less crabby. (well, maybe like a johnny depp can. but since that hasn't happened so far, i can't really tell)
i've learnt that red wine, cigarettes and jazz can complete an evening for me
i've learnt that almost none of my experiences are original. someone or the other has felt, done, experienced and reacted and related to each and every one of my lifes experiences (think about it. i'm telling a friend - i made out on a roof. oh, she says, i made out on a bike. how is it same, you're thinking? well, the whole experience was marred by a thought looming large in our minds - "we're going to fall")
i've learnt there's no place like 'in the middle of the monsoon'
i've learnt that i just love cities. period. like the more interesting people, cities are multilayered…always in transition…evolving…always in transit…between one persona and the next. i never get bored in a city. any city. and i find that usually, i love them and hate them in equal fervor.
i've learnt that i love houses which keep their heart in the kitchen
i've learnt that consistency in how i feel too much to ask for
i've learnt that my parents have put me on a shelf of the marriage supermarket
i've learnt that my hair has a life of it's own. it's a seperate entity that lives on my head and goes in directions contrary to where i want to take it
i've learnt that zenzi is my favourite bar in bombay
i've learnt that i personify newtons first law of motion
saying that, i've had the external force of a drink being passed on to me, so i'll stop right here. but i'll be back soon.
so ta da. live. and let's all learn something (preferably agaisnt our better judgement).